Time to Git painting

So it was time to start painting the Gitz. I already knew what I wanted to do here - recreate my paint scheme from about 15 years ago when I had a Night Goblin Moonclan army. I won't be posting any pics of these old models because well, they're pretty bad. For those of you who don't remember what Scorpion green looks like...

Yeah its pretty bright and all the skin was done with that! So I wanted to keep the bright skin but do it as a top highlight rather than all over smothering! I started with one of the bow armed grotz as a safe place to make a few mistakes. I used Waaagh flesh as a base coat for the skin, layered with Warboss green, Moot green and Moot green mixed with white. After a while I had him looking like this:
Not complete but I was pretty pleased with how it was going so far. As there are only a few models in each warband I wanted to try and make each look interesting (even these mooks who will often not even activate or just try to avoid getting killed and giving away easy glory). So I added a bit more detail around the hood and spent a bit of time on the base, choosing colours to match the look of the boards. A short while later I was done and happy with the end result:

This model gives a nice reference point to look back at when I am doing the more interesting models like Zarbag and Sourtongue. Please feel free to comment if you have any questions about the painting. 


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