Zarbag's Gitz vs Farstriders 16.12.18

Another Battle report for Zarbag and the Gitz. This time I was against Nick and his awesomely painted Farstriders. I drew quite a nice first hand of extreme flank, flash finale and solid gains for objectives and side step, ravenous, jealous hex, nullstone axe and confusion for power cards. The starting set up for the game looked like this…

Nick went first and killed a bow grot with a shot and raptor strike scoring him precise use of force. Ouch. I managed to get jealous hex onto Farstrider straight away but Nick effectively countered it with great fortitude. After lots of moving around I managed to finish the turn with a sidestep and confusion to get Sourtongue into charge range of Farstrider and he went in and nailed the crit on one dice to do three damage! If not for great fortitude I’d have killed him! I inspired him at the end of his activation. I ended the round scoring extreme flank and drew keep them guessing and supremacy.

I lost the roll for round two but Nick let me go first and I managed to get a nice scatter with Sourtongue into Farstrider to kill him and used the glory to upgrade a squig with ravenous. I now had three glory so inspired all my grotz. Nick killed the un-upgraded squig in response and I managed to charge the ravenous squig into a fighter to do three damage. I get a bit hazy here but I know I attacked with Drizgit, failed and moved with Zarbag onto an objective. This allowed me to score keep them guessing and solid gains but I couldn’t quite get supremacy.

I lost the turn roll and Nick immediately charged and killed Zarbag with his last remaining fighter who then died to fungal blessing. This was a big loss for me but in my power step I managed to get great strength, potion of rage and nasty stabba onto Stikkit. In my next activation he charged four to the side of Swiftblade and attacked with his four smash, three damage attack which succeeded and pushed Swiftblade into a lethal hex for an extra damage, killing him instantly! What a hero! Nick cycled some objectives and I got my grotz onto objectives to score supremacy and ended up winning 10-8.

This was a fantastic game with lots of cool moments and swings back and forth. It was refreshing to not have to totally rely on Zarbag and his upgrades to do everything and shows how potent any models in a warband can be with the right upgrades. Please comment about the most unlikely heroes from your games 👌


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