Painting the Farstriders

Next on my list of warbands to paint was the Farstriders. I did these guys in more or less the same scheme as my Cursebreakers and my Age of Sigmar Stormcast. I did try a few new techniques out and spent a bit more time on the details than I did with Stormsire and friends.
Swiftblade - got to love that three fury melee attack with cleave :)
I sprayed them all black and did two thin coats of Rakarth flesh on all the armour before doing a make up dry brush of screaming skull all over. This then had a diluted wash of camoshade with some earthshade in the recesses. Once dry all the leather and wood is painted dryad bark, cloth and plumes khorne red and all the fur rhinox hide. From here on I paint each model individually. 

I went for an obsidian weapon effect based on the tutorial here and was really pleased with the outcome. The red is layered with wazdakka red and highlighted with wild rider red. Leather gets a gorthor brown highlight and an earthshade wash and all the armour an edge with screaming skull.

The mighty Farstrider himself

The back of this guy has so much overlapping detail!
For Farstrider I also had the star falcon to complete and went for a grey based loosely on a harpy eagle using some stippling on the chest to get a feathered effect. This really shows the grain effect on the wood which I am very happy with.

The whole gang ready to snipe some fools
I enjoyed painting these guys and have had fun adjusting to their playstyle after the fire and forget Godsworn deck I have run for a while. I have lots of unavoidable damage in the deck and play them aggressively trying to inspire as early as possible. I'm playing a few games at Bugman's this week so will try to remember to take notes 👍


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