Painting Stormsire's Cursebreakers

Bit of a break from blogging over Xmas and the New Year but I have been busy painting. I knew from the off that I wanted to do the cursebreakers to match my AoS stormcast army (the Dusk Legion). Just for reference there is a prosecutor below which shows the armour and metal style I am aiming for.

So I started with Rakarth flesh for the armour (two thin coats as some would say...) and then dry brushed using a make up brush with screaming skull. If you haven't tried make up brushes for dry brushing they are awesome for large areas. This is then washed with some thinned camoshade all over and then earthshade in the recesses. All leather is done with dryad bark, gorthor brown and then earthshade and the metals basecoated with runefang steel and washed with nuln oil all over and with nightshade on the blades. For cloaks I use Khorne red base layered with wazdakka red and highlighted with evil sunz scarlet. The models were coming on nicely and matched the AoS force well as you can see below.


After this point I had some decisions to make as I haven't got any of the sacrosanct chamber models so the additional robes and magical effects were all new. I decided to go for purple fire (to tie in with the mouths of my dracothian guard) and black robes highlighted with eshin grey to continue the sinister feel of the Dusk Legion. For the sculpted bases I went for a grey look similar to Zarbag's Gitz with some green leaves to provide contrast. Here they are proudly defending my polyfiller tub.

So Ammis and Rastus were almost complete, just needing a bit of tidying up with screaming skull on the armour, some highlights of stormhost silver on the weapons and a marble effect on the flasks. I just used very thin, irregular white lines over black for this with a druchii violet wash. I am really pleased with these two and decided at this point not to do the blood spatter that I have on the main army as they have so much extra detail with the robes.

Just Stormsire himself to complete then. I decided I didn't want to do the grey hair and beard so I went with a rich brown using rhinox hide layered with doombull brown and mournfang brown. For the skin I used cadian fleshtone with more and more white added for highlights. Here he is :)

His flames were done with a white base, highlighted with genestealer purple and naggaroth night with streaks of all colours added along with a druchii violet wash.

I hope you like these and if you have any comments please feel free as always. Painting these has made my mind up to take them to the 6th of January Event at Battlefield hobbies (which I think still has a couple of tickets available


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