
Boards and Swords Hobbies Tournament 30.06.2019

Another one-day event, this time at Boards and Sword in Derby which is a nice sized industrial estate based venue. The inclusive lunch was a Dominos pizza deliver which is pretty epic for a £15 event. Best Coast Pairings App was being used again and as a return user it was very smooth. There were 11 players which meant there was a bye each round which isn’t deal but hey ho. Having played my aggro Farstriders a great deal and having some really make or break moments due to dice rolls I had built a passive scoring and key based Gitz deck where no objectives required me to land attacks or make kills. I had only played the deck three times prior to the event but it had won each game fairly comfortably and tended to come back strong in the third end phase. It is worth mentioning that despite being a day after the release of Power Unbound the TO had decided not to allow it in the event. I took a ready built deck in the hopes of dropping a couple of new cards in but my budd

UK Games Expo Grand Clash 31.05.2019

I arrived bright and early for my first Grand Clash and was pleased to get in fairly quickly for registration to the event. Best Coast Pairings App was being used and once I had it up and running successfully it was really useful.  The registration line was pretty grievous There were 118 players at the event with some of the best players in the country attending. I was hoping to finish somewhere mid table and had brought my aggro Farstriders as I am really happy with how the deck is working at the moment into Cursebreakers and Mollog who I was expecting to see a lot... Naturally I played neither. The boys in bone ready to roll What a shocker of a photo - honestly we were keen to start playing! My buddy Josh picking the brains of two of the games best players Round one – Guardians 31-37 L My second ever game against the guardians and I was keen to see what they could do but also felt like I had all the tools to take out their low wound fighters. Game